Glitches and missing features converting powerpoint slides (xslf) to png
2018-03-16 11:37:23 UTC

I'm using poi 3.17 with the full ooxml schema 1.3.
In converting pptx slides to pngs, and I see that some elements are not translated very well.
The issues I found by now are these:
- Smart Arts (graphs) are IGNORED.
- Some tables are rendered totally black or background colors are not preserved the same
- Word Arts and some Shapes sometimes are not preserved in the same size/position.

I'm aware that probably not all the pptx elements are supported and there are limitations.
Sure I'm interested in having my slides translated well, but by know It would be sufficient for me to have a list of the elements partially supported or not supported at all.

Do you know if there is such a list, and where I can find it?

Thanks in advance!

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Andreas Beeker
2018-03-18 18:57:02 UTC
Hi Federico,

I don't know of a feature list in POI, i.e. I haven't made one up yet ...
Additionally to the SO comment [1], you might want to look at the Aspose comparison [2] -
sorry for advertising a non-foss project, but if you want to have a timely solution and
payed support you are probably better off going commercial.
If it would be just about adding charts or Word/Smart Arts in an existing slideshow, the OPC/XmlBeans
interface would be an feasible solution, but coding the rendering of those takes much more time.

If you want me to have a look at the table colors or the shape positioning, feel free to send
me an example or better upload it to our bugzilla.


[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49322966
[2] https://blog.aspose.com/2014/06/13/aspose.slides-for-java-and-apache-poi-sl-comparison-for-features-and-usage/