Long XSLF Table needs splitting
Andreas Beeker
2018-06-06 17:11:57 UTC
HI Alexander,

unfortunately there's no such splitting feature yet.

Currently my POI todo list is too long, to work on that feature soon, but I would be grateful, if you share your implementation in case you'd decide to implement it via POI.

Best wishes,
2018-06-11 15:56:08 UTC
Hi Kiwikings!

I will share it, if I manage it ;)

Is there a way to get the "real" size of a table? The table.getAnchor()
doesn't return the size of the rendered table and the row.getHeight()
If the paragraph in a cell wraps n times the rendered row-height is (n *
row.getHeight()). Unfortunately I cannot compute n myself, can I? Can I
circumvent this somehow?


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2018-06-21 15:00:21 UTC
Bump. Is there any workaround to find out the rendered height of a table, a
tablerow or a cell?

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Andreas Beeker
2018-06-21 21:03:14 UTC
Post by lanpirot
Bump. Is there any workaround to find out the rendered height of a table, a
tablerow or a cell?
The height/width of a cell is fixed/independent from the content - have a look at XSLFTable.getColumnWidth() / .getRowHeight().

For resizing the cell around the content, I would start with XSLFTextShape.getTextHeight() and adapt it.

Nayan Zubeen Bayan
2018-06-22 03:34:27 UTC
Can someone help me with adding hyperlink to a particular string in an
existing word document using Apache POI? By hyperlink I mean hyperlink to
file, web address and all.
Thank you.
Post by lanpirot
Post by lanpirot
Bump. Is there any workaround to find out the rendered height of a
table, a
Post by lanpirot
tablerow or a cell?
The height/width of a cell is fixed/independent from the content - have a
look at XSLFTable.getColumnWidth() / .getRowHeight().
For resizing the cell around the content, I would start with
XSLFTextShape.getTextHeight() and adapt it.
2018-06-22 08:11:42 UTC

The example is xlsx files but the similar APIs exist for other document

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Murphy, Mark
2018-06-22 13:22:22 UTC
This seems to be a new question, not even related to Excel. Can you please not hijack threads, but instead create a new one? Odds are PJ's answer won't even help because he answered for Excel, and the API's aren't really even similar.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nayan Zubeen Bayan [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 11:34 PM
To: POI Users List <***@poi.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Long XSLF Table needs splitting

Can someone help me with adding hyperlink to a particular string in an existing word document using Apache POI? By hyperlink I mean hyperlink to file, web address and all.
Thank you.
Post by lanpirot
Post by lanpirot
Bump. Is there any workaround to find out the rendered height of a
table, a
Post by lanpirot
tablerow or a cell?
The height/width of a cell is fixed/independent from the content -
have a look at XSLFTable.getColumnWidth() / .getRowHeight().
For resizing the cell around the content, I would start with
XSLFTextShape.getTextHeight() and adapt it.